Saturday, August 29, 2009
Exam Schedule :
24/8/09 - OOAD1
25/8/09 - WT
26/8/09 - DB
had my 1st driving lesson on Thursday, 27/8/09
I was so nervous cus i can't really control the RPM well..
hahax! but 1 funny thing was, Mr Chan (my instructor) keep telling me not to drive so fast..
And i was thinking.. I'm driving at the speed of 30 - 40km/h only lo.. hahax!
then he said : "now is not u scare, is I scare!" LOL!
Next Tuesday will be my 2nd lesson.. =)
I Blogged @ 3:18 PM
MONDAY, August 2
Went to Turf City to have dinner steamboat with dear dear's classmates to celebrate his b'dae.. shuang hoh? so many celebration.. lolx
i didn't eat much.. still sick.. =/

I Blogged @ 1:56 PM