dress & pant!
This dress also from "YATCH"change to this dress after i bought it..
Cuz after eating Seoul Garden.. my dress sure stinks!
Woohoo! Going to beach!!
woke up at 9+ then help dear dear to call to some members of Skate club to confirm with them abt the camp thing..
After that, bath, prepare then took bus to Harbour Front..
RAIN!!! Omg..
felt so disappointed at that point of time..
Then we went to eat first..
Hope the rain will stop..
Yay! the rain stop..
Then we took the train to Sentosa!!!

Guess what he is imitating ba.. LOL!
I was copying him..

Jia Xiang Mian!
Walking to Siloso Beach..

Nice Pink Flower..
No ppl?Nah! Because this is not a good location..
Continue to walk to the other side of the beach..
Saw this!!!Haha! so action huh? open ur ... ... erm... hmm.. feather?
LOL! i dunno call wht la.. open so big!
Found a good location! ^^
Bought a pail of sand digger! lolx..
No ppl now.. faster take photo..
hahax! dear dear dun have sunglasses.. cannot open eyes big big.. unlike me.. =X

His sand castle.. Big? hahax.. no! actually it's very small.

Ice-cream.. LOL!
Wet weather sudden change!
I so scare my camera drop into the water.. hahax!

Close view of my footprint.. hahax!
Dear daer de..

After beach.. went to town to have Suki Sushi for dinner!Then catch a movie at 10PM - "Night At The Museum"
quite funny.. worth to watch..
meet mei yun in the morning to have breakfast tgth.. =)
so we decided to have sushi + ramen.. not very nice for the ramen.. & the variety of sushi so few..
Then we took bus to sch tgth to have IS lesson..
YAY! Last lesson for SAB!!!
After lesson, met dear & we took bus to town to meet JH & Jo..
went to bought camera!!! T90..
bought for $588!
Lucky i successfully claim the money from my mother.. hahax!

Not nice.. Shhhhh...
This one also not nice..