MONDAY [大年初一] went to 3places to bai nian..
juz as usual.. go a house with lots of unfamiliar faces.. then must shake hand and say "hapy new year" to them..
Arghhh! I hate this..
I only like to take Ang Bao only.. LOL!
The last place was my Ah ma's house..
Me, my bro, my cousin sis, her mother.. 4 of us played "21 dian" from 9.30PM to 4AM!!!
LOL! My cousin's mum & me won both of my bro and my cousin money.. hahax!
I bet $1 per round only.. won le $38.. so alright la.. hahax!
overall, the game quite fun..
my bro & cousins..
Me, Audrey, Yuki