Tuesday, September 30, 2008
ytd went to town SHOPPING!!
Bought the same t-shirt as dear dear.. ^^
2 Black t-shirt [mine] & 1 stussy t-shirt [dear dear de..]
took MRT home.. dear dear fall asleep at MRT.. damn FUNNY lorz.. he keep dozing off and his body is moving in all direction!!! HE HEADBUTT a KID beside him!! LOL! then the boy look at him with a stun face.. then dear dear still ignore him continue sleeping without say a sorry to him.. hahax! the most ps one is EVERYONE is looking at him lorz.. some still laugh at him.. included me.. LOL!!
reach home around 6pm then dear dear fall asleep at my house.. hahax! i not so dirty.. i go bath 1st then sleep.. ^^
set Alarm at 9pm.. watch "Nai Pa Bai Fen Bai" da jie ju!!! then 10pm watch "xue jing xiong xin" until 11pm then continue to sleep.. =D
then sleep until 9am this morning.. hehex!!
We finally turn back to normal liao.. =D
'Dou Dou Mao' eating..
Always sit on the high high spot.. =.=
wonder how she jump up..
took a photo while waiting for dear dear.. =)
I Blogged @ 11:08 AM
Monday, September 29, 2008
ytd did not "dong" until night.. fall asleep at 11am.. =.=
then woke up at 7.30pm!!!
until now I still have not sleep!!!
later going town with dear dear.. the only thing we can do to keep us awake is Not To Stay At Home..
SHOPPING!!! yay.. i wonder do i have the strength to shop.. hahax!
i think when i come back.. i will straight away slp after bath.. =D
I Blogged @ 9:53 AM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hmm.. juz went to Mac eat breakfast with dear dear..
have not slp yet.. zzzzz!
we decided not to slp le.. so that nitez we will be very tired then can turn back to normal sleeping hours.. =)

dear dear's hotcake.. eeeuw!
meow meow.. sooo cutez!
I Blogged @ 9:12 AM
Saturday, September 27, 2008
this 3 days me & dear dear have alr became night owl!!!
we sleep at 8am & wake up at 4 - 6pm!! OMG!!
how to turn back?
Big Eyebag!! Arghhhh...
two panda.. =D
I Blogged @ 9:27 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hmm.. OK! i juz woke up!!! OMG!!
cuz I slept at 8AM.. LOL
i think i'm night owl alr..
ytd went to Fishing with dear dear, bro, mother, father, brian. jing fen, gab, siming..
my father caught 1 fish.. YAY!! hahax..

the rest not fishing as its too expensive.. they came juz to give me face.. ok.. thank friends! =D
so we BBQ chicken wings.. prepared by my father.. then eat finish, my parent went home 1st.. so the fishing rod was passed to siming & brian..
do u know they actually spoilt the rod.. hahax! but nvm la.. my father say should be got warranty.. so guys - dun have to worry.. ^^
after that we leave the place cuz we dun want to stay there to feed mosquitoes!!
we accompaany jing fen wait for cab [588K] then saw her board le, we then walk & RUN all the way to lakeside from the Fishing Village.. whole journey abt 4km & i think we ran 1.5km ba..
we going to my house downstair de coffeeshop to drink cuz very thirsty..
THEN we went to play BASKETBALL.. hahax! the time was 5.30AM!!
we play match until around 6.45AM..
[ me & dear dear ] 11 : 14 [ siming & brian ]
ok.. we losed.. =(
then after that me & siming 1 on 1.. i losed.. blehh..
nvm.. we enjoyed the game.. there's always another time to win.. hehehex!
lastly, they all very tired le.. we went to drink again.. then go home..
I Blogged @ 4:46 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
juz now went to Jurong Point to catch a movie with dear dear..
err.. i mean before 12AM.. ^^
"MIRRORS" OK! this is Scary.. fear of the mirrors now.. lolx..
It's M18!! hahax.. so ppl out there if u're not 18/abv then forget it..
BUT i think this show is more DISGUSTING than Horror.. euwww!!
so thats all for the day.. =D
I Blogged @ 12:51 AM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
This is really getting bad..
I think i have used to it of him by my side
everyday ~ every hour ~ every minute ~ every second...
when he is not here, my heart feel empty.. OMG!!
Hate this feeling man...
Really boring.. must find things to entertain myself...
I Blogged @ 11:53 PM