Sunday, August 31, 2008
Ytd took de photos.. ^^
I Blogged @ 4:01 PM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
[FRIDAY ~ celebration of Teacher's Day!!!]Well.. Happy Teacher's Day to all my teachers.. Wish u all vomit less blood teaching other class.. LOL!
Went back to Zhenghua Secondary School today.. ^^
Took some photos with the guys who went to sch & of cuz some teacher la.. hahax!...After celebration...... the guys really took hours to decide where they wanna go..
OMG man!! I think i will vomit more blood than the teachers lorz..Ask them where they plan to go.. Everyone of them say: "ANYTHING LORZ..."
So me & dear dear decide 'ICE SKATING' then some say anything.. some dun wan..Aiyo!!! in the end, ended up in IMM eating.. =.= this is really lame..After lunch, everyone go home.. =.= boring!!!Dun care.. me & dear dear went to Senja Carpark to skate our own.. hehex!After that.. we went to STREETS to have our dinner.. & of cuz took some photos again..That's all for today.. =D
with "Chen lao shi"[chinese teacher].. =)
with "Mdm Yeo"[E-math teacher].. =)
5N1 rockz!!
[Loving Dinner Time]

I Blogged @ 12:24 AM
Friday, August 29, 2008
[THURSDAY]Hmm.. today went to IMM with Cheryl Wu Kai Xi!!! OMG!! i can't believe my bestie changed her name that I called for 9YEARS!!! hahax! still will call back hui qin.. sry ar..
We went to IMM to search fot the Hello Kitty shop her mother mentioned..
Her mother: "there got alot alot of hello kitty stuff"I think we got cheated! LOL!
In the end, we went to 'Pasa Malam' which got more Hello Kitty stuffs instead.. =.=
So I bought le 1 Hello Kitty umbrella & Headphone with mic.. =D
On the way to Bus Stop, took some photos of this cutez cat again! ^^

Her name is 'CHOPSTICK'.. dunno who named her de.. hahax! anyway we call for years le.. hahax! She is very cutez too.. ^^
I Blogged @ 12:32 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Blogged @ 4:24 PM

I Blogged @ 2:24 AM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
[MONDAY]Hmm.. today accompany dear dear to Lavender to collect his IC.. ^^
After that we went to Haji Lane & Bugis street to walk walk.. =D
In the end, we bought cutez cutez couple bag.. hahax!
Then after that come my home.. then he play game wif my bro.. =.=
then i play Neopets!!! LOL
we went to my house downstair to have our dinner & saw the cat sleep as his usual spot..
LOL! very cute and clever.. cuz its really very warm there..
sleep on top of the ATM... LOL
sleeping face..
quite expensive worz..
cutez ritez? we r going to add accessories to it.. will update photo after we complete it.. hehex! ^^
I Blogged @ 2:24 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
[SUNDAY]Hmm.. today got nth to blog..
juz wanna share some very very cutez pictures of a cat sleeping in the coffee shop like nobody business.. LOL!
Look at the face.. feel like sqeezing it.. hahahax!
got 1 teeth leak out.. LOL!

I Blogged @ 3:15 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hmm.. suddenly felt moody..I wonder if anyone scare of losing someone or something and decide to let it go..Is this stupid? OR intelligent way of solving it?the tighter u hold it, the more fear u will feel of losing it..But once u let it go, will it be better?I'm scare.. But I doesn't wan to let go..I guessed he will nv understand how I feel..
.I hope he will stay with me forever.. whether I'm selfish or not..
I Blogged @ 2:06 AM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hey You!!!Yup Yup.. It's You!!!If u r reading my blog now then that's great..juz wanna ppl intro me jobs..Requirement: $6 or above per hr / weekdays only / better still can choose own schedulehehex! i'm not really in need of money.. juz feeling bored.. so wanna earn some extra if u have such type of jobs.. RMB TO INFORM ME!!! THANK YOU!
I Blogged @ 2:18 AM
Hmm.. today went back to SCHOOL... hahax! of cuz not to study.. went to find Dear Dear.. today is his LAST TEST PAPER!! holiday le worz..
so... after his test, we went to play POOL again!! hahax.. Ended up 2 : 2.. actually is 3(me) : 1(him) de lorz.. but last round my white ball follow the black ball in the hole tght.. Awww.. that's sianz!! nvm.. next time i will win u de Dear Dear.. muahahahahax!
after pool we went to eat eat.. ^^

I Blogged @ 1:04 AM
Friday, August 22, 2008
[THURSDAY]Hmm.. come blogging again.. juz come back from pooling.. ^^ today meet dear, brian, siming, kenny, ben, jing fen, zi ting & ser wei at Jurong point to watch "4Bia".. It's really OMG!!! damn scary lorz!!! we pay money to scare ourselves.. LOL!After watching the movie.. they deciding wht to have for our dinner.. & they were really discusting very very long.. hahax! Finally, we decide to come to my house downstair de coffee shop to have our dinner.. So.... after dinner we went to CLEMENTI to play pool!! hahax.. [ still waiting for the pool's photo from Jing Fen.. STAY TUNE!!! ]
Jing fen & kenny's reflection.. =)
can u spot the irritatinf SIMING!! hahax!! =D
Xu Chun Mei!! dun have to cover ur face.. we know it's u!! LOL
dunno y they dun have the face to face camera.. LOL!
in bus (198)!! on the way to clementi.. ^^
~zi lian couple~ LOL
hahax! `smilez!`
eat half way still can take phot.. hahax!
eat until a bit disgusting.. hahax..

popcorn container.. look cutez ritez!! hahax..
I Blogged @ 12:48 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
TODAY [ went to vet with Puding ]
Hmm.. today dear dear & me meet Aunty & Cheryl to bring ding ding to vet tgth at Clementi.. ding ding need to go for injection.. saw the needles poke into her hand.. i also feel "ouch" for her.. hahax! took photo of her hand bandage.. after that then we went to skate & ride bike tgth..
meow meow
took when we r skating at Chinese Garden..

poor puding.. =/
went to skate skate.. see cat cat.. hahax! before dear dear reach my house.. i went to ride bike with Cheryl & Aunty to chinese garden.. half way saw a PUPPY!!! OMG!! it's damn cutez lorz.. too bad cannot bring back.. hahax! then when dear dear reach le i bring him there then saw a very "dao" family carrying the puppy.. i think they wanna bring him home.. sad.. =( hope they treat him nice..
naughty cat!! but cutez.. hahax..

abandoned rabbit at chinese garden..

took a photo with the puppy.. hehex!
very very cutez ritez?!?

I Blogged @ 11:32 PM